The Ian Player Foundation - Forest

How Ian Player made a difference for forest.

The Karkloof Conservation Centre is one of the Conservancy’s proudest achievements. Having been officially opened by our Patron, the late Dr. Ian Player, on 27 October 2007, this Centre is ample proof that respect for the environment and conservation ethic are deep rooted in the Karkloof Valley.

Funding for this initiative was provided by the SAPPI/WWF TreeRoutes Partnership in conjunction with the Wildlands Conservation Trust. Their contribution is enormous, and the Karkloof Community will always be indebted for their generous support.

The Karkloof Conservation Centre is located at the entrance to Gartmore Farm, with the Karkloof Range of Hills and the largely unspoilt natural bush that adorns it as the backdrop. 

A rich diversity of birdlife abounds on the farm where agriculture is practised in harmony with birds, antelope and an abundance of frog and insect life. The fertile farmland in KwaZulu-Natal boasts numerous oxbow lakes, with the flood plains of the Yarrow and Karkloof rivers, which creates ideal habitat for waterfowl and all three species of Crane which are regularly seen here.

The public can now enjoy the true splendour of bird watching and photographs in the Karkloof from a comfortable seat in a beautiful bird hide where one really feels part of the natural surroundings.

This project is an exemplary example of how high tech agriculture, conservation and tourism can coexist harmoniously without disturbing ecology.

How the Ian Player Foundation plans to make a difference for forest.

The Ian Player Green Belt is a global initiative to re-wild communities and rural areas alike. Each donation of 10 dollars will enable us to plant 10 trees in the areas that need them the most. We aim to re-seed the earth starting in the areas where the most damage has been done and in regions where funding is near impossible due to socio-economic conditions so that we can begin to restore the natural equilibrium of the world.

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